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La svolta digitale nella cura degli anziani

Rivoluzionare l’assistenza agli anziani attraverso la digitalizzazione è l’obiettivo di Lepida.

La sfida del progresso tecnologico si inserisce prepotentemente nel settore dell’assistenza agli anziani, un’area in cui l’integrazione tra sanità e benessere sociale è vitale. La digitalizzazione emerge come strumento cruciale per sostenere un modello di cura che mantenga elevato il livello di autonomia delle persone non autosufficienti, facilitando inoltre la lotta al digital divide e promuovendo l’inclusione sociale.

Recently, during the Forum on Non-Self-Sufficiency, an important initiative named Lepida was showcased, emphasizing the empowerment of elderly care through intelligent use of technology. The phenomenon of an aging population demands innovative strategies to ensure effective and integrated care, where technology acts as a pivotal tool.

Several challenges that hinder the digital transformation in care sectors include the scant digital literacy among professionals, intricate organizational structures, and the perceivable reluctance of the elderly to embrace digital advancements. Nevertheless, Lepida has been pioneering various projects to surmount these obstacles and advocating for a participative and active lifestyle for the elderly.

One notable initiative is the deployment of IoT technology in the living spaces of the elderly for constant monitoring of their life quality. Moreover, to bridge the digital divide, protocols with NGOs and Third Sector entities have been instituted. These collaborations aim to foster social inclusion by guiding the elderly in developing digital skills, thus enabling them to utilize digital services to their fullest potential.